How Do I Know My Baby Is Hungry?
Newborn babies can be so challenging to understand. As a new mom we wonder so many things: is this sound normal? why are they crying? are they hungry? Believe it or not, babies do give us lots of cues to show us how they're feeling. As you spend time watching and getting to know your newborn you will start to learn the clues they give us that tell us what they are feeling. But, the reason you’re here today is how do I know my baby is hungry?
The most common signs of hunger are:
Licking, smacking, or sticking tongue out
Hands in mouth, or sucking on hands (be patient as their hands help them find your breasts because their vision is not clear)
Turning towards the breast (rooting)
Flexing arms and hands
Movements that become more active
Crying and stiffness - these are late signs of hunger
If you notice the signs listed above it is likely time to offer the breast. When you look at your baby and respond to its needs, this is called responsive feeding or feeding “on demand.” I could go on and on about feeding on demand, but my quick summary is: it is good for your baby and its good for your milk supply! I highly, highly recommend feeding on demand especially in the early weeks.
Now you may be thinking I just fed my baby an hour ago, how could he be hungry already? I want to remind you of a few simple things: breastmilk is digested quickly in a newborn’s stomach, not every feeding is the exact same amount, you can trust your baby and the clues he or she is giving you, and your baby may not be starving but he just wants the comfort and closeness that nursing gives him.
Also, ask yourself if you are you hungry at the exact same time every day? I know that I’m not… some days I want an extra snack and some days I don’t. This may be the case for your newborn too.
Another clue an infant shows us is when they are full. Hungry babies nursing at the breast have tight, balled up fists.
As a feeding progresses and they start to realize they are getting full, your baby will begin to slowly relax their fists. My go-to tip when this happens is to tickle their sweet head to make sure that they haven’t just fallen asleep. This helps me know that are, in fact, full. Once I know that a mom’s breasts have soften, baby fed well, and their hands are relaxed I can happily say that their baby is telling us they are full.
If you have questions about breastfeeding, feel like you need breastfeeding help, or want more information about how to understand what your baby is trying to tell you please contact us or schedule an appointment. Our lactation consultants would be happy to help!