Lactation Consulting

Breastfeeding help and classes based in Birmingham, Alabama

Our goal is to help you become a happy mama with a healthy baby.

How to get a deep latch – breastfeeding help from an expert lactation consultant

Breastfeeding issues are common

“Why does no one talk about this before you have a baby?” is a question we have asked every day since becoming moms. You are not alone, and what you’re experiencing is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. Your baby has to learn how to breastfeed… and all you need is someone to help both of you find your fit and troubleshoot any issues.

Lactation consultant teaching how to bottle-feed a baby while protecting breastfeeding and milk supply.

Breastfeeding different than you thought?

People say it’s so “easy” and “natural," but that’s often not the case for a lot of moms and babies. We can help you get there. You need help, answers, support, guidance, and encouragement. We can give you that.

  • Pain

  • Nipple damage

  • Latching

  • Milk transfer concerns

  • Insufficient milk supply

  • Oversupply management

  • Oral restrictions

  • Returning to work

  • Pumping

What else can we help with?

  • Reflux

  • Prematurity

  • Prenatal education

  • Fussiness

  • Weaning

  • Bottle refusal

  • Concerns about stool

  • Reassurance

  • and more!