When Should I Start Pumping?
We all have this notion that if you’re going to breastfeed, then you have to pump… and once your baby arrives and it dawns on you: “wait, when should I start pumping?” I’m not totally sure where we get the idea that in order to breastfeed we have to pump. Is it because you’ve heard a friend talk about it, you know you’re going back to work, your OBGYN told you to get a pump, or you were told to put it on your registry? Either way the typical story goes: baby arrives, breastfeeding is started, then dang! don’t I have to start pumping somewhere along the way? Well thankfully, I have an answer for you!
You can start pumping whenever you want (or not)! The right time is when it is best for you!
You don't have to start pumping at any specific time.
You may be thinking well that is not helpful. So, here are some questions to ask yourself:
Why am I pumping?
Do I want a family member to feed the baby?
Will I be returning to work?
When do I plan on being away from my baby?
The answers to these questions can help you decide when is the best time to start figuring out your pump or putting some of your milk in the fridge or freezer.
If you only want/need to keep a small stash in the fridge or will be away from your baby for a feeding, there are alternatives to electronic pumping such as: milk catchers, Haakaa, manual pumps, and hand expression. They are all fantastic and effective options for milk removal.
NOTE: It is helpful to introduce your baby to a bottle around 4 weeks of age for them to begin learning and practicing. Especially if bottle feeding is something you hope for your baby to know how to do.
Need more help with pumping?
See my blog post on pumping schedules for more information.