Benefits of Breastfeeding
You may have preconceived notions about breastfeeding (some positive or some negative). There are so many voices out there trying to convince moms that there is one right or wrong way to feed, sleep, discipline… or really just one right way to be a mother. But, thankfully, God made each and every one of us different… which means different strokes for different folks, as we say in Alabama.
You may have heard “breast is best” countered by “fed is best.” However, those in the lactation field would all agree: supported is best.
You, as a mother deserve lots of things… but I believe you are most deserving of sufficient education related to postpartum life. Followed by support for the decisions you make with the information you have.
Now that we are clear on all that… here begins some of the education you deserve (to help you make the best decision for your family).
We will start with the facts.
The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend infants be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life with continued breastfeeding along with complementatry foods until at least 1 year of age.
The World Health Organization recommends infants be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life with continued breastfeeding along with complementatry foods until at least 2 year of age.
“Breastfeeding provides unmatched health benefits for babies and mothers. It is the clinical gold standard for infant feeding and nutrition, with breast milk uniquely tailored to meet the health needs of a growing baby. We must do more to create supportive and safe environments for mothers who choose to breastfeed.”
Now, here is a simple list of the benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and baby.
Benefits for Baby
Antibodies to protect against infections
Decreased risk of:
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Ear Infections
Type 2 Diabetes
Respiratory Infections
Allergies and Eczema
Nutrition and immunoprotective properties change to meet your baby's needs
More easily digestible than formula
Increases bonding and attachment
Benefits for Mama
Helps the uterus contract to its pre-pregnancy size
Decreased risk of:
Breast Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Type 2 Diabetes
Cardiovascular Disease
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Postpartum Depression
Aids in postpartum weight loss
Readily available anytime it is needed
Zero preparation or clean-up
Increases bonding and attachment
It is FREE
If you’re new here, I offer prenatal consultations that will provide you with customized education that elaborates on the benefits of breastfeeding and SO much more. This allows you to have the prepared beginning with your little one that you deserve… you can read more about that here.
Want to know what other sources have to say? Click here.