Mom Spotlight: Jamie Montgomery
Jamie Montgomery of Montgo Farmhouse shares with us her experiences with motherhood and breastfeeding.
Click the pictures along the way for links to Jamie’s outfit details, blog, and decor. Be sure to follow her on Instagram to stay up-to-date on her family and all of her shenanigans!
What is one of your favorite things about being a mom?
I love seeing my sons grow and personalities develop! It’s bittersweet though because I want them to stay little but having a front row seat to watching them grow into who God designed them is magical!
Can you briefly share your breastfeeding experience so far?
Each one has been different. The one constant though is that they haven’t been easy at times. Whether it be a bad latch, clogged ducts, or feeling tied down to a pump, there’s definitely been lows with each journey. BUT I’m so thankful I was able to nurse each one of them and that we had that special bond. I was able to go 12 months with my first son and 5 months with my second. I am hoping to go 12 months with my third (and final) baby!
What or who has impacted the success of your breastfeeding experience the most?
One of my close friends in Colorado was a lactation consultant. So when my first son was born, she was a HUGE resource. She came over and walked me through everything! I really believe she was why I was able to get through the initial bumps of breastfeeding and continue a whole year. With this last baby, the women at Birmingham Breastfeeding have been so helpful! One of their consultants came out to help get Avett’s latch better in the first few weeks. She also answered so many questions that I had about how to prevent mastitis, which is why I stopped with my second when I did. There are also many products out now that I didn’t have with my last baby to help with preventing mastitis. I am prone to getting clogged ducts so the Mom Frida Breast Self Care kit has been amazing. It comes with reusable heating pads shaped perfectly for your breast and a small massager that also heats up to help work out the clogged duct. I’m really trying to stay on top of not getting mastitis this go around!
If you could give one piece of advice to an expecting mom, what would it be?
Give yourself so much grace, especially in those first few weeks! I thought everything, including breastfeeding, would just come “natural.” But for the majority of new moms it doesn’t! You need support and help. Don’t feel bad about asking for it. There are so many resources and people who want to help.
What is your favorite thing to do for yourself when you're kid free?
I’m torn between two answers here so I’ll give them both. I’m a homebody at heart, so its nice to just be at the house doing little projects that are hard to do when the boys are home. BUT I also enjoy a good pampering day. So going to the spa and doing a little shopping are also high on my list. Both sound lovely right now!